Voodoo Kundalini Yoga

Voodoo Invocation of The Three Main Nadis

"I invoke you, Papa Legba (sushumna), the central energy current in my spine through which the kundalini ascends and descends.

I invoke you, Damballah-Wedo (pingala nadi), the solar energy current which flows through my right nostril, on the right side of my spine. 

I invoke you, Aida-Wedo (ida nadi), the lunar energy current which flows through my left nostril, on the left side of my spine."

*Nadis are energy channels through which PRANA (ASE), divine energy, life and consciousness flows. 

Within the Astral body there is network of 72,000 Nadis that distribute ASE (PRANA) throughout the whole body.

The three main nadis are IDA (Aida Wedo), PINGALA (Damballah Wedo) and SUSHUMNA (Papa Legba).

Damballah Wedo begins on the right side of the body and symbolises the sun principle.

Mantra: Iba'se Eji Ogbe × 108

Aida Wedo arises in the left side of the body and represents the moon principle

Mantra: Iba'se Oyeku Meji × 108

Papa Legba runs through the central channel of the spinal cord and represents the consciousness

Mantra: Iba'se Iwori Meji × 108
